티스토리 뷰



여기서 봤는데,  너무 간결한데 쏙쏙 이해가 잘되게 쓰셨다..!! 감동.. 🥺

Creating a device

A Metal device (MTLDevice) is the interface to the GPU. It supports methods for creating objects such as function libraries and textures.

Creating a library

The library (MTLLibrary) is a repository of kernel functions (in our case, compute shaders) that are typically compiled into your application by Xcode.

Creating a Command Queue

The command queue (MTLCommandQueue) is the object that queues and submits commands to the device for execution.

Creating a Metal Function

Once the library is instantiated, we can create a function object (MTLFunction) from it. This represents a single Metal shader.

Creating a Pipeline State

The pipeline state takes the Metal function and compiles it for the device to execute.

Creating a Command Buffer

The command buffer (MTLCommandBuffer) stores the encoded commands that will be committed to the device for execution.

Creating a Command Encoder

Creating the command encoder (MTLCommandEncoder) is the final step and it is responsible for encoding the commands and resources into byte code that can be written into the command buffer.









Introducing Image Processing in Metal

Harnessing the power of Metal for image processing.




